Debabarreneko euskarazko komunikazio-sistema. Tokian tokiko kazetaritza-genero eta gaien analisia 2000-2004 bitartean
This thesis analizes written press from Bajo Deba (located in the Basque Country). Specifically, the essay examines six magazines published in different towns throughout Bajo Deba. We have domonstrated various aspects of this basque local journalism, such as which journalistic sorts they use, the emergent themes, how the themes are utilized, and the evolution of these publications, during the time of this investigation. As well, the content analysis has proven each magazine´s unique caracteristics and the services they offer. The content analysis reflects the reality and experience of each publication. That is why, the investigation not only examines journalistic sorts and themes, but also other aspects, such as how the work is done in the redaction room, how the work is organized, redaction workers profile, and how those aspects influence in the content of the publication.
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