Elebidunen garapen kognitibo eta neuropsikologikoaren inguruko ikerkuntza XX. mendean zehar: berrikuspen teoriko-metodologikoa


  • Arantxa Gorostiaga Manterola
  • Nekane Balluerka Lasa


Research into cognitive and neuropsychological development of bilinguals throughout the xxth century: A theoretic-methodological review. In this study, the most important research carried out regarding cognitive and neuropsychological development of bilinguals throughout the twentieth century is reviewed. The most significant results obtained in such research, the most weighty theories that underly them and the methodology used by the researchers are considered. The paper begins by examining the reasons that can explain the success research into bilingualism has had in this century. Next, the definitions of bilingualism suggested by different authors as well as the main criterion that have been used to distinguish between different types of bilinguals, that is to say, the bilinguals typologies, are exposed. In the core part of the paper, the main research carried out during the twentieth century in fields so fruitful to our understanding of bilingualism, such as cognitive development, memory organisation and neuropsychological development of bilinguals, are studied in depth.


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How to Cite

Gorostiaga Manterola, A., & Balluerka Lasa, N. (2000). Elebidunen garapen kognitibo eta neuropsikologikoaren inguruko ikerkuntza XX. mendean zehar: berrikuspen teoriko-metodologikoa. Uztaro, (35), 89–130. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4049




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