Komunikabideak eta taldearteko mintzaira soslaia: Picassoren "Guernica" Bilboko Guggenheim-era ekartzearen inguruko polemika


  • Eneko Sansinenea Mendez
  • Jose Valencia Garate
  • Lorena Gil de Montes Etxaide
  • B. Usabiaga
  • N. Ripalda


The aim of this study is to examine the language bias performed by the mass media in intergroup contexts. Journal articles and editorials of eight different newspapers that made reference to the polemic about bringing Picasso’s “Guernica” to Guggenheim in Bilbao were studied. The language used by the journals on this polemic were examined in terms of the Linguistic Category Model. It was expected that the ideology of the journals would be reflected on the abstraction level of the language used. As the hypothesis stated, the most nationalist journals used a more abstract language, noting the simbolic importance of the polemic; but non-nationalist journals used a more concrete language, basing their arguments on the technical problems. Results were discussed refering to the theoretical tradition on the linguistic intergroup bias, and the implications were explained making reference to the context where the polemic came out.


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How to Cite

Sansinenea Mendez, E., Valencia Garate, J., Gil de Montes Etxaide, L., Usabiaga, B., & Ripalda, N. (1998). Komunikabideak eta taldearteko mintzaira soslaia: Picassoren "Guernica" Bilboko Guggenheim-era ekartzearen inguruko polemika. Uztaro, (24), 89–101. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/3910




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