Talde-identifikazioa, barne-taldearekiko faboritismoa eta hautemandako homogeneotasun-maila testuinguru soziopolitiko desberdinetan garatzen ari diren haur eta nerabeengan


  • Luixa Reizabal Arruabarrena
  • Jose Valencia Garate
  • Maritxu Jimenez Carnicero
  • Teresa Del Valle Murga
  • Almudena Garcia


This paper shows a research that explored the social construction of national identity in 922 children aged 6,9,12 and 15 years old growing up different socio-political and linguistic contexts. Results show differences in in-group favouritism depending on subjective identification, but not in perceived homogenisation, that doesn\'t change in all socio-political contexts. In relation to age, results show that children of all identification groups evaluate more positively their in-group by the age of six years old. This in-group favouritism increases, decreases or does not change depending on the identification group.


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How to Cite

Reizabal Arruabarrena, L., Valencia Garate, J., Jimenez Carnicero, M., Del Valle Murga, T., & Garcia, A. (2002). Talde-identifikazioa, barne-taldearekiko faboritismoa eta hautemandako homogeneotasun-maila testuinguru soziopolitiko desberdinetan garatzen ari diren haur eta nerabeengan. Uztaro, (43), 105–122. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4103




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