Journalism in progress: Quality, innovation and training


  • Txema Ramírez de la Piscina Martinez
  • Alazne Aiestaran Yarza
  • Beatriz Zabalondo Loidi
  • Antxoka Agirre Maiora



Quality journalism · The future of journalism · Online content · Professionalism


This work presents the findings of a survey conducted on 73 prominent journalists from the Basque Country and Europe. They were asked about the present and in particular the future of journalism. The survey which was analytical and comprised 29 questions in total was carried out between November 2013 and March 2014. The questionnaire was designed by the HGH research team from the University of the Basque Country. Among the 73 journa- lists surveyed, 19 were from the Basque Country while the other 54 were from the five most populous states in the European Union: namely Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain. There was a significant degree of shared opinion. Three key solutions were given for the salvation of journalism: quality, innovation and training. The majority also believed quality, speed and accuracy to be compatible. They did not believe that the print press would cease to exist in the short term (by 2020). However, they did believe it would undergo a signifi- cant transformation. Most considered that in the future there would be better, more interactive and more in-depth online content.


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How to Cite

Ramírez de la Piscina Martinez, T., Aiestaran Yarza, A., Zabalondo Loidi, B., & Agirre Maiora, A. (2015). Journalism in progress: Quality, innovation and training. Uztaro, (93), 19–42.




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