Jatorri desberdineko emakumeen migrazio-egitasmoa eta ongizatea. Genero-ikuspuntutik egindako ekarpenak


  • Ainara Arnoso Martinez
  • Edurne Elgorriaga Astondoa
  • Cristina Martinez-Taboada Kutz


Migration initiative · Cultural origin · Well-being · Gender view


This essay is going to analyse the psychosocial situation of 201 immigrant women who come from different countries and actually live in the Basque Country. It will expose their well-being and mental health, describing the relations among the variables that are relevant from a gender point of view. Among the interviewed women, 77,1% are Latin American,12,4% from Maghreb and 10,4% from East Europe. The balance of the migratory process and the adaptation process is positive and even if these women healthy the migration experience generates consequences in their mental health: 42% have symptoms of depression, 45% somatic ones and 57% suffers from anxiety. Migration sorrow, the family is still in the original country, the loneliness, the characteristics of the family structure, social relationships, the employment and the vulnerability related to being irregular are among others the main reasons that explain the well-being and the mental health of these immigrant women.


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How to Cite

Arnoso Martinez, A., Elgorriaga Astondoa, E., & Martinez-Taboada Kutz, C. (2008). Jatorri desberdineko emakumeen migrazio-egitasmoa eta ongizatea. Genero-ikuspuntutik egindako ekarpenak. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (67), 87–104. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4371





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