Jabekuntza elebiduna eta kode-bereizketa: subjektu eta objektu markak


  • Andoni Barreña Agirrebeitia
  • Margareta Almgren Sparen


During the present investigation, the authors have analysed the oral productions in Basque and Spanish of a bilingual child acquiring both languages simultaneously. The analysis in question covers the period from 1;06 to 3;00 years of age. The linguistic units referred to are markings of subjects and objects in both languages, taking into consideration that in Basque subjects of transitive verbs are differentiated from these of intransitive verbs, whereas in Spanish there is no such morphological differentiation. The aim of the investiga- tion is to show that children who acquire two languages simultaneously from the earliest age develop the two grammar systems independently from the moment morphology and syntax appear. In addition to the data from the bilingual child, data from Basque and Spanish-speaking monolingual children of the same age have been used as a contrast.


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How to Cite

Barreña Agirrebeitia, A., & Almgren Sparen, M. (1999). Jabekuntza elebiduna eta kode-bereizketa: subjektu eta objektu markak. Uztaro, (29), 61–94. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4010




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