The work that is done in children´s education from a gender perspective


  • Irati León Hernández
  • Judit Martinez Abajo
  • Rakel Gamito Gomez
  • Maria Teresa Vizcarra Morales



Co-education, Pre-school education, Gender treatment, Feminism


The current politics regarding gender and sexuality do not intervene on gender violence from its roots, even if it has had a high increase lately. That is why a reflexion about the co-education model is needed in the education system, specially in the 0-6 stage, when the gender is starting to be built. This paper aims to deepen into the childhood, having as a main goal to study the work that is being done in the education system regarding the gender problematic. It consists on a case study which, by creating sinergies from the interviews realized to five experts and by registering the work that is being done in the field of co-education, intends to achieve an overview of the topic. This way, we study the nondik norakoak (hau ez dakit ezta gazteleraz esaten ere!) of co-education on the one hand, and the exact way they manifest in haur hezkuntza on the other hand. As a conclusion, we observe that the work done on gender is very supperficial in haur hezkuntza, setting aside deep and transforming practices. Instead of that, a strategy towards equality is carried out, leaving diversity on a second level. This works makes clear that there are numerous challenges yet in order to guarantee an education system with a gender perspective.


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How to Cite

León Hernández, I., Martinez Abajo, J., Gamito Gomez, R., & Vizcarra Morales, M. T. (2020). The work that is done in children´s education from a gender perspective. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (112), 41–61.



