Pierre Vilar eta Euskal Herriaren borroka. In memoriam (1906-2003)


  • Jokin Apalategi Begiristain
  • Paulo Iztueta Armendariz


In order for them to take a place in our cultural memory, we wanted to testify to the half-hidden, disinterested interventions of P Vilar on behalf of the Basque cause. This renowned scientific historian analysed in his own special way the realities of the nations and nationalities that make up the Spanish state. This led to his proposing a confederate Spain as a political project. He focussed mainly on Catalunya, as is widely acknowledged amongst Spanish historians. And yet our  present aim is to draw wider attention to the actions and declarations which he undertook on behalf of the Basque cause, and which display no less a love nor less strong an intellectual conviction. It should be remembered that in an interview for the magazine Punto y Hora, Vilar declared that “the Basque reality is so clear that some day it will be a nationality, and will proclaim itself a state...


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How to Cite

Apalategi Begiristain, J., & Iztueta Armendariz, P. (2004). Pierre Vilar eta Euskal Herriaren borroka. In memoriam (1906-2003). Uztaro, (49), 89–119. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4144


