Tolosako eta Ataungo hizkerak: hizkuntz bariazioa eta konbergentzia-joerak
Basque · Dialects · Levelling · Sociolinguistic variation.Abstract
Through this article we analyse the linguistic variation and convergence of two different speeches of the same language that are located in the southern half of Gipuzkoa: those from Tolosa and Ataun. We will compare the linguistic variation that each speech has suffered in each of the localities in mature and young generations, according to loanwords, the influence of the standard language or the acculturation phenomene. In addition, we will look over the possible convergence between both dialects. In this way we will research accurately on several areas of the language: lexicon, noun morphology, verb morphology, syntax and phonology. This paper is a new contribution to the study of the sociolinguistic changes in Basque language, in which Gotzon Aurrekoetxea took the first steps.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ariztimuño Lopez, B. (2010). Tolosako eta Ataungo hizkerak: hizkuntz bariazioa eta konbergentzia-joerak. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (72), 79–96.