Ikasleen estilo kognitiboen, garapen operatorioaren eta prekontzepzioen arteko harremanak, irakaskuntzari begira


  • Mikel Haranburu Oiharbide


Learning is understood as the process of internal building based on the network of concepts teached at the school and on students’ psychological processes. One of the main educational objectives is the pupil to reach the formal level of the logic thought. We have hypothetized that one of the reasons why so many students do not attain a formal level in the area of performance must be attributed to cognitive styles and to representations of the students themselves. Willing to contrast this hypothesis, our study has looked at two aspects: first, the preconceptions that children and young people have about nature in some of our Basque schools; and secondly, the relationship between the development of logic thought, field independence and students’ preconceptions regarding issues of learning. In this way we have been able to find a direct relationship between field independence, development of logic thought and students’ preconceptions relating to nature.


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How to Cite

Haranburu Oiharbide, M. (1999). Ikasleen estilo kognitiboen, garapen operatorioaren eta prekontzepzioen arteko harremanak, irakaskuntzari begira. Uztaro, (30), 85–104. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4022




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