Promoting coexistence and interculturality in the school through the World Café


  • Unai Coronel Gastiain UPV/EHU
  • Igone Palacios Agundez UPV/EHU
  • Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa UPV/EHU
  • Arantza Rico Martinez UPV/EHU



Intercultural Education, Sustainable Development Goals, World Café, School community


One of the main challenges of education is to promote real coexistence and positive exchange between different cultures in the school community, turning the existing diversity into richness. In this research, we present the intervention held in a public school in Vitoria-Gasteiz, with the objective to encourage the school community to make proposals to promote coexistence and interculturality through a participatory process and to evaluate the usefulness of the World Café tool. We combined three tools: a questionnaire for families, a session based on the World Café tool, and a satisfaction questionnaire about the process. Results indicate that solidarity, equal rights, and non-discrimination are the main characteristics of the dream school that the school community has imagined throughout this participatory process. To achieve this, participants proposed creating spaces for meeting and getting to know each other and giving opportunities to acknowledging the different cultures present in the school.


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How to Cite

Coronel Gastiain, U., Palacios Agundez, I., Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa, A., & Rico Martinez, A. (2024). Promoting coexistence and interculturality in the school through the World Café . Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (130), 17–46.



