Media’s misinformation of feminist references


  • Maria UPV/EHU



News quality, Misinformation, Feminism


Misreported information disseminated by the media can respond to two behaviours: ‘misinformation’, the inadvertent dissemination of false information, and ‘disinformation’, the creation and dissemination of false information. Regarding feminism, this work aims to analyse whether the media have wrongly spread the events that are the founding moments of the political movement: the creation of the word ‘feminism’, the origin of 8th March, and the counting of the waves as in the USA. I will refer to direct sources and documentation centres, check the account of the events and compare them with the news that have been reported by the Basque media (in Basque, French, and Spanish).
The main conclusion of this research is that the Basque media have an obvious difficulty in verifying the information originated in the USA. At the same time, the Basque media have not addressed the characteristics of Basque feminism, only in one case: to link the origin of the 8th March to the 1889 strike of female cigar makers in Bilbao. This baseless data, however, has made it clear that the intention of the Spanish-language media was not to verify information, but to significantly spread the unusual news.


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How to Cite

Maria. (2024). Media’s misinformation of feminist references. Uztaro, (128), 21–43.