"I like" Hamaika Telebista: a online analysis about the profile and television preferences of this television channel Facebook friends In July 2012 Basque television channel, Hamaika began a sociological project designed to improve it´s broadcasting standards as well as expanding it´s use of the internet. Sampling the opinions of Hamaika´s Facebook followers, the research project was the first of its kind in the Basque Country to analyze the relationship between a television channel and its social media profile. Therefore the research presented many theoretical and methodological challenges. The research had two well defined objectives. Firstly, to identify and to categorize the socio-demographic profile of Hamiaka´s Facebook followers. Secondly, to find out which aspects of Hamaika´s broadcasting where viewed as strongest and weakest amongst the sample group.


  • Uxoa Anduaga Berrotaran
  • Koldo Diaz Bizkarguenaga




Internet · Media · Facebook · Hamaika Telebista · SocialTV


Hamaika Telebistak bere telebista-eskaintza egokitu eta Interneteko potentzialtasuna aprobetxatzeko asmoz, Facebookeko jarraitzaileen iritzi eta kritikak kontuan hartuko dituen proiektu parte-hartzaile bat abiarazi zuen2012ko uztailean. Hura Euskal Herrian lehen aldiz burutzen den telebista-kanal baten eta haren Facebookeko jarraitzaileen arteko ikerketa izanik,oinarri teoriko eskasei eta metodologikoki ikerketa-teknika berritzaileak sortzeko premiari aurre egin behar izan die. Zailtasun horiek tarteko, ikerketak bi helburu ongi betetzea lortu du: bata, ezaugarri soziodemografiakoetan oinarrituz, Facebookeko jarraitzaileen profila nolakoa den ezagutzea eta deskribatzea. Bestea, Facebookeko jarraitzaileek Hamaika Telebistaren inguruan duten iritzia jasotzea, zehazki telebista-katearen aspektu indartsuenak eta ahulguneak zeintzuk diren identifikatuz.


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How to Cite

Anduaga Berrotaran, U., & Diaz Bizkarguenaga, K. (2014). "I like" Hamaika Telebista: a online analysis about the profile and television preferences of this television channel Facebook friends In July 2012 Basque television channel, Hamaika began a sociological project designed to improve it´s broadcasting standards as well as expanding it´s use of the internet. Sampling the opinions of Hamaika´s Facebook followers, the research project was the first of its kind in the Basque Country to analyze the relationship between a television channel and its social media profile. Therefore the research presented many theoretical and methodological challenges. The research had two well defined objectives. Firstly, to identify and to categorize the socio-demographic profile of Hamiaka´s Facebook followers. Secondly, to find out which aspects of Hamaika´s broadcasting where viewed as strongest and weakest amongst the sample group. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (88), 75–97. https://doi.org/10.26876/uztaro.88.2014.4



