Ikuskaritza-arautegian aldaketak: bide onetik gabiltza?


  • Sonia M. Garcia Delgado
  • Izaskun Ipiñazar Petralanda


Enron, WorldCom, Gescartera, BBVA and other corporate scandals occurred recently have created a public backlash on our reliability-bassed financial system (economic system). Major corporations have admitted to grossly exaggerating their profits in order to artificially boost the share price and achieve a better image. To some extent, corporate accounting practices have made public question the primary characteristic of reliability on financial reporting. Not only corporate corruption, but also auditing, considered  to be a profession lead to financial oversight. With the purpose to retain trust people, on 22 november 2002 was approved the 44/2002 Act, bringing up to date the previous Auditing regulation, in force since 1988. Throught this essay, we try to describe the proposals provided by the new endorsed Auditing act, with special reference to independence, incompatibility and quality control of auditors. On the other hand, we also try to analyse to wich extent the new reform will contribute to reduce the last years« scandals. Was not efficient enough the 1988 Act? Professional ethics, moral values of our society are changing?


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How to Cite

Garcia Delgado, S. M., & Ipiñazar Petralanda, I. (2004). Ikuskaritza-arautegian aldaketak: bide onetik gabiltza?. Uztaro, (49), 7–20. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4140




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