Galdegai-lekua testu-hastapenetan (eta II) (Gipuzkoako dantza gogoangarrien kondaira liburuan)
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First and most important it is about the rule set by Sebero Altube in relation to word order —the focus should precede the verb— which is questioned by the author when it applies to beginning sentences in a text (it will be analysed when the rule is fulfilled and when is not). The second purpose, which is secondary, is to manipulate word order in a sentence, mainly the verb and the focus, and analyse which sentence is easier to read. The texts presented in this second article have been taken from the following book: Gipuzkoako dantza gogoangarrien kondaira edo historia written by J. I. Iztueta, adapted by M. J. Ezeizabarrena and published by Euskal Editoreen Elkartea.
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