Koloreen bilakaera: euskal kasua


  • Txema Preciado Saez de Ocariz


Taking as starting point the fact that colour is a cultural phenomenon and that it is located in the historical development, this article attempts to specify the way in which colours have evolve in the Basque culture up to now. By explaining the basis which have been used and with the aid of graphs, it gives an account of the stages that are distinguished in their evolution, differentiating at the same time the phases which take place in them. It also offers guides, necessary to understand the internal logic of the development. The article ends with an unavoidable reflection: this work has been but one step, other matters have to be taken into account if we want to understand properly the colour phenomenon, precisely the ones which have been dealt with in this work but have not been developped.


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How to Cite

Preciado Saez de Ocariz, T. (1995). Koloreen bilakaera: euskal kasua. Uztaro, (13), 3–21. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/3804


