Teenager audiovisual consumption through Debagoiena in the era of digital convergence
Adolescents · Audiovisual consumption · Digitization · Leintz Valley.Abstract
The object of this research is to analyze audiovisual consumption of adolescents (12-16 years old) of the Leintz valley. For a full understanding of this consumption, the following three questions have been examined: how adolescents consume audiovisual content? What motivates this consumption? Which part of the content consumed is in Bas- que? Audiovisual content from the Internet and mobile phones have also been elements considered in this study. Research has been conducted with 207 students from Secondary School, in the Arizmendi School. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to obtain information about the audiovisual consumption of these students. The study pro- poses, as well, a research method for future studies that wish to further examine this topic.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pavon Arrizabalaga, A., & Zuberogoitia Espilla, A. (2011). Teenager audiovisual consumption through Debagoiena in the era of digital convergence. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (78), 31–49. https://doi.org/10.26876/uztaro.78.2011.2