Online pharmaceutical care in oncology setting: developing new pilot models


  • Mikel Urretabizkaia
  • Pilar Bachiller
  • Josune Garcia de Andoin
  • Koro Andueza
  • Laura Basterretxea
  • Miren Ercilla
  • Maitane Umenez
  • Larraitz Leunda
  • Aitziber Lizardi
  • June Landa Alberdi
  • Garbiñe Lizeaga



Pharmaceutical care, telemedicine, symptom assessment, antineoplastic agents, outpatients, clinical pharmacists


Goal: Describing an online pharmaceutical care (PC) pilot model and evaluating its feasibility and usefulness.

Method: A prospective descriptive and exploratory study of online PC was conducted, during 12 weeks, in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma with oral antineoplastic agent treatment. PC included: 1) providing information about their medication and adverse reactions; 2) performing adverse reactions questionnaires and a weight and blood pressure follow-up and 3) establishing a direct patient-pharmacist communication channel. All was performed online through the “Health Folder”. Measured variables were adherence to the PC program, the communication channel utilization and patients´ satisfaction.

Results: 24 patients were interviewed and four (16.7%) of them were included in the study. The low participation was due to: a) not being internet user (37.5% of the interviewed); b) not applying for the personal “Health Folder” access code (41.7% of the interviewed). Adherence to the PC program was medium, high or very high in all the study patients. All of them used the new communication channel to make their inquiries. In general, all were satisfied with the service received.

Conclusion: With the available resources we have in Osakidetza, the development of online PC seems feasible. Patients´ satisfaction with the service received supports its usefulness. Low participation was the main limitation, and was probably conditioned by the patients´ advanced age and lack of knowledge about “Health Folder”. Foreseeing a greater participation of future generations, we should invest in developing pioneer online PC models.




How to Cite

Urretabizkaia, M., Bachiller, P., Garcia de Andoin, J., Andueza, K., Basterretxea, L., Ercilla, M., Umenez, M., Leunda, L., Lizardi, A., Landa Alberdi, J., & Lizeaga, G. (2020). Online pharmaceutical care in oncology setting: developing new pilot models. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 4(1).


