Non-attention learning: latent inhibition measurement


  • Ixone Badiola-Lekue UPV/EHU
  • Naiara Arriola UPV/EHU
  • Gabriel Rodríguez UPV/EHU



Latent inhibition, Pre-exposition, Attention, Learning


This work aims to validate a latent inhibition task (a video game) with human participants. Latent inhibition (LI) is a phenomenon that indicates the obstruction or slowing down of associative learning, which occurs when a stimulus is pre-exposed without any effect, leading to the learned inattention to such stimuli. It involves learning not to pay attention to events or stimuli that repeatedly appear without consequence. While learning not to pay attention, or LI, can facilitate cognitive processes, it has also been suggested that LI deficiency can have certain benefits. The aim of this experimental work was to collect data that could be useful in understanding attention capacity and associative learning. The task produced positive results, both in the perception of the presence or absence of the effect, and in the detection of different levels of LI; that is, it distinguished varying degrees within the effect.


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How to Cite

Badiola-Lekue, I., Arriola, N., & Rodríguez, G. (2025). Non-attention learning: latent inhibition measurement. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (132), 81–95.





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