Garapen-proiektu eta -programetan parte hartzeko eredu eraldatzaileak eztabaidatzeko ildoak


  • Unai Villalba Egiluz


The text first is concerned on the anbiguity of participation, that is, the possibility, on the one side to use it for the cooptation of participants by the established power, and on the other side, for the empowerment and transformative purposes, while there can be a range of middel positions. To reach a transformative participatory pattern the first step is to choose a normative transformative reference. In this case, it is said that some elements of the human development, sustainable development and empowerment theories are useful. Then, the major part of the text is dedicated to identify the caracteristics of this kind of participation: to consider the participation like a mean or an end; considerations about the nature of power and empowerment; spaces and scale for participation; self-management level; the form of decision-taking, the contents and the time in these processes; and finally, who are the subjects of the participation and which are the results and efficiency degree.


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How to Cite

Villalba Egiluz, U. (2008). Garapen-proiektu eta -programetan parte hartzeko eredu eraldatzaileak eztabaidatzeko ildoak. Uztaro, (64), 37–49. Retrieved from




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