Aurrekontu publikoek sexurik ote dute? Genero-aurrekontuen osagai eta erronka nagusiak
Have Government budgets got a sex? The main elements of Gender-Responsive Budgets Two decades ago, the Commonwealth Australian Government started to analyse the gender-responsiveness of the public budget. Since that experience more than fifty countries have started at different levels that sort of analysis. In most places the same worry has been at the centre of the initiatives, which is the discrimination that women suffer in most spheres. At the same time, the methodologies followed in these studies, though still open to discussion; have had some common points which can be used as a reference. In that context the main aims of this article consist of deciphering to what extent public budgets reproduce the gender-disparities created in a society and which are the main tools
used in that task. Moreover, we would like to summarise which are the main limits, opportunities and challenges that these initiatives have met so far.
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