Kooperatibismo usufruktuario kubatarrean oinarritutako hainbat iradokizun


  • Jabier Lertxundi Barañano


The following article intends to highlight some keypoints which are characteristic of a certain type of Cuban cooperativism and which, in case of being taken into account by the Basque social economy, could become useful tools. It is important to state beforehand that Cuban cooperativism is limited to the farming sector. This means that this economic sector is an exception to the rule of centra- lized economy or to the fields opened for direct foreign investment, which are managed in a different way. The new elements added by this type of cooperativism, appliable to a Basque social economy which is aware of the real possibility of building a different world, refer to communitary property, to centralized self-management, to reduction of speculation, to syndical intervention and to the integration of the socioeconomic movement into national and international policy of the country in which it is located, and by this means, into international context.


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How to Cite

Lertxundi Barañano, J. (2006). Kooperatibismo usufruktuario kubatarrean oinarritutako hainbat iradokizun. Uztaro, (57), 39–47. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4204


