Gazteak eta gazteen parte-hartzea


  • Alvaro Marcos Gonzalez


It is hard to talk in such a way about young people over all. Indeed, there are many kinds of youths, as many kinds as there are ways of living one's youth. As for age, statistics show us that most are generally young people aged 18-30. Although this broad gap is useful for some things, we believe it gets to be too broad from our point of view because experiences, desires, and expectations of people in those age brackets differ greatly. Thus, in this article, we shall limit the age bracket more and we shall work into it age ranges used for certain data by establishing a 18-25 year age bracket. Moreover, we shall not do it from a closed point of view: there are indeed two sound reasons to chose this age bracket: on one hand, because that is the natural indicator for young people of the most extraordinary period of time for them to go through, i.e. the time when various kinds of intensive living experiences take place while, on the other hand, it has been 25 years since our overall political arrangement has been around and the age when the average age of young people's emancipation in the European Union takes place. The significant piece of information is doubtlessly useful to reflect on the situation and to formulate statements.


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How to Cite

Marcos Gonzalez, A. (2005). Gazteak eta gazteen parte-hartzea. Uztaro, (54), 123–131. Retrieved from


