Urdaibaiko Biosfera Erreserbaren esperientzia


  • Jurgi San Pedro Guillem


The basis of this article is a talk that I gave in the seminar held under the name “Participatory Democracy” by the Department of Sociology of the Summer Basque University in Biarritz on July 6 and July 7, 2004 in which I was afforded the opportunity to give my opinion and to talk about what I have come to know first hand. In the supposition that the messages aiming to make it clear will be further enhanced by this talk, besides offering a broad reflection on the strategic opportunity —its potential hub effect— afforded to those of us working to defend the land throughout the Basque Country in providing for a process of a Basque institutionalization of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, we will start off by describing the body of laws regarding of the juridical-public status of the world Biosphere Reserve which belongs to us all today. Further on, this body of laws will also account for the opinion regarding research into the everyday dynamics of licit participation which will inevitably give rise to criticism and will be the basis of those critical arguments which some significant indicators show us despite their being straightforward and simple.


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How to Cite

San Pedro Guillem, J. (2005). Urdaibaiko Biosfera Erreserbaren esperientzia. Uztaro, (54), 111–121. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4181


