Hezkuntza Berezian esku hartzeko oinarri psikologikoak. Erabilera praktikorako baliabidea


  • Fernando Trebol Unzue
  • J. Olazabal


This paper outlines the contents directed towards students on the teacher training course. It aims to give an overview of the theories and definitions presented by a number of different authors, although it is based mainly on the works by Palacios and Marchesi (1990 and 1999) and Howar Gardner (1999) on the other.
In general, in addition to a number of characteristics which students on the teacher training course should bear in mind with regard to special needs education, the paper also wishes to encourage future teachers to consider a number of other possibilities related to students\' abilities to relate to their immediate environment, and underlines the importance of co-ordination and teamwork between fellow students, teachers and family members.
The main areas covered include dyslexia, hyperactivity, disabilities as regards motor functions, cerebral palsy, Down\'s syndrome, highly-gifted children and autistic students. In addition to offering a general outline and definition of these problems, the paper also explains how to identify them and offers a series of psychological bases for organisation.


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How to Cite

Trebol Unzue, F., & Olazabal, J. (2004). Hezkuntza Berezian esku hartzeko oinarri psikologikoak. Erabilera praktikorako baliabidea. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (49), 59–86. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4143



