Betiko bankaren presentzia interneten: bezeroentzako laguntzaren aspektu ezberdinen azterketa konparatiboa


  • Miren Barrenetxea Ayesta
  • Agurtzane Celestino Gutierrez
  • Olatz Etxegarai Legarreta
  • Pedro Flores Garcia


Our contribution tries to establish the way in which the traditional bank is adapting to the new information technologies. We only analyze the defensive strategy based on integrating the on line bank in the traditional commertial bank, that´s to say, the use of the electronic bank through the Internet as an alternative channel and at the same time comple- mentary to the bank branches. A comparative study has been carried out about several as- pects of the bank through the Internet by means of a selected sample of Banks and Savings Banks. In the drawing up of the study the level of information available about the on line service is contrasted, in the physical offices as much as in the electronic bank department of each bank. We analyze as well another crucial aspect for the potential clients when using the services of the electronic bank: the help that the different bank institutions offer in order to solve the doubts and / or complaints made by the users about the on line service.


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How to Cite

Barrenetxea Ayesta, M., Celestino Gutierrez, A., Etxegarai Legarreta, O., & Flores Garcia, P. (2001). Betiko bankaren presentzia interneten: bezeroentzako laguntzaren aspektu ezberdinen azterketa konparatiboa. Uztaro, (39), 11–25. Retrieved from


