Informatika eta euskara: gaur egungo arazoak eta aurrera jotzeko bideak


  • Xabier Artola Zubillaga


The article gives a thought to the worry caused by the fact of an insufficient presence of Basque in the computing world, along with some suggestions on how we will be able to face up to it in the future. From today’s common user’s point of view, the goal would be to guarantee to all those users who want to experience computing in Basque as few problems as possible. Starting with the problems of terminology and up to the automatic processing of language, different aspects such as training, local software making and localisation of foreign products, and Internet are discussed in the article. Looking ahead to the future, the field of language industry is discussed relating it to research on automatic processing of language which is its base. Finally, work done on automatic processing of Basque is briefly described and the need for a well designed plan and strategy towards the future is emphasised.


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How to Cite

Artola Zubillaga, X. (1997). Informatika eta euskara: gaur egungo arazoak eta aurrera jotzeko bideak. Uztaro, (20), 77–92. Retrieved from


