Nazionalismoaren historia eta ideologia Hobsbawm eta Gellnerren liburu banaren gainean
The concept is so broad that it has given rise to different approaches which may help us in our understanding of it. This article deals with one which so far has elicited little study and which has generally been taken lightly, that referring to our conception of nation. To this end, theoretical steps are laid down: personal points of view or those related to territory, and, furthermore, the so-called political or ethnic-cultural definitions. Hence the keystones on which the different types of nation created by Basque nationalism are based: race, language, territory and, perhaps henceforth, the person. We thus present six types of nationalism and conclude with general reflections.Deskargak
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Kintana Goiriena, J. (1998). Nazionalismoaren historia eta ideologia Hobsbawm eta Gellnerren liburu banaren gainean. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (26), 3–26. Berreskuratua -(e)tik