Undesirable effects of antineoplastic agents: which are they and how are they handled?
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Antineoplastic agents
adverse reactions
cytotoxic chemotherapy
guided molecular therapy
immune control point inhibitors

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Lizardi Mutuberria, A., Garcia de Andoin Barandiaran, M. J., Umerez Igartua, M., Ercilla Liceaga, M., Landa Alberdi, J., Leunda Eizmendi, L., & Urretavizcaya Anton, M. (2021). Undesirable effects of antineoplastic agents: which are they and how are they handled?. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 5(2). Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/osagaiz/article/view/416


The development of cancer treatment over the last two decades has been very important. Guided molecular therapy and inhibitors of immune control points have been developed and along with standard cytotoxic therapy, they have become common treatments for different types of cancer. The toxicity profile of these new therapies is different from that of cytotoxic therapy. Guided molecular therapy has a more sustainable toxicity profile, even if it causes undesirable effects of varying origin and severity. Inhibitors of immune control points, on the other hand, cause undesirable effects related to immunity. In order to provide adequate care to patients, it is necessary to know the most common adverse effects of these different antineoplastic groups, as well as to be trained in their management.

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