Beginnings of political journalism in Basque: the pioneering contribution of Le Réveil Basque (1886-1894)


  • Imanol Murua Uria UPV/EHU



Le Réveil Basque, History of Journalism in Basque, Political Journalism, 19th Century Journalism


The priority of the weekly newspaper Le Réveil Basque (1886-1894) was political propaganda, as many of the media of its time, but it also did journalism, it also worked on information, both in French and Basque. It was the first general information media, among the media that survived over time, giving the Basque language a decent treatment. Its strength was political journalism: it provided detailed information on events of the Third French Republic from a Basque perspective, in a way that no one had ever done before in Basque. Based on a hemerographic analysis of Le Réveil Basque and the media collections of its time, this article shows that it was pioneering in political journalism written in Basque.


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How to Cite

Murua Uria, I. (2024). Beginnings of political journalism in Basque: the pioneering contribution of Le Réveil Basque (1886-1894) . Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (131), 85–106.



