Rain. Reflections made while drawing in millimetric detail


  • Aitor Irulegi Lopez UPV/EHU




Art, Process, Drowing, Research


This article is a research based on art practice and the research subject is the reflection created in the drawing practice. I have used my own artistic practice as an object to build this reflection. I use an experimental form of analysis to develop the thoughts of the process. The starting point for this article was the written thought I had while I was making a series of drawings. This series of drawings make up the Rain series (2019), which are made of lines placed next to each other in millimetric scale. I compare concepts and ideas from personal experience with the texts of other artists and thinkers. The simple facts of drawing are taken: line, rhythm, pattern...etc., and using the experience and thought of the moment I have aimed to reflect on the concerns that we drawers have in common. I wanted to build a temple with those aspects that appear in the drawings that seem modest but are really powerful so that it becomes a meeting place for the thoughts of the drawers and artists.


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How to Cite

Irulegi Lopez, A. (2024). Rain. Reflections made while drawing in millimetric detail. Uztaro, (129), 5–22. https://doi.org/10.26876/uztaro.129.2024.5071





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