The urban development of Bilbao reflected in the artistic activity: 1975-2010


  • Nerea Herrera Diez



Bilbao · City · Art · Urban development.


The general and most important aim of this research work is to show how it has been and it is reflected in the art the development that the city of Bilbao has been experiencing in the last decades (since 1975). Especially this works is concerned with on town-planning and urban scenery. At the same time, we study how topics related to the urban landscape have been treated by artistic manifestations of the end of the 20th century, together with the style and code change which has taken place at the end of this very same century. More specifically, we will see and explain how the new model of Bilbao has affected the world of plastic arts, and especially the representation of the urban scenery. In addition, as far the context plays such an important role in the conception of the city and citizens themselves, we would like to show that this new model also reflects into art. This way, we study the development of the artistic expressions, since new forms have emerged that go beyond the traditional molds of artistic creation in the last decades. Finally, and our last goal, we study the importance that this new artistic trend has obtained, both in museums and other related entities (such as galleries, prizes, exhibitions, etc.).


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How to Cite

Herrera Diez, N. (2012). The urban development of Bilbao reflected in the artistic activity: 1975-2010. Uztaro, (80), 13–48.


