Parte-hartzea garapenean: hainbat diskurtso eta jatorri


  • Unai Villalba Egiluz


It is dificult to reach to a common definition of participation in development, first because there are many levels and forms of participation, and second because there are also many ways to understand development and many strategies to approach it. Therefore the aim of the text it is not to identify the main elements of a propper definition, but to explain what kind of participation seeks each theory. First, from the human development theory’s search of expanding people’s capabilities and choices, it is obvious that individual’s active actitude, and so, their participation is a constitutive part of the development. Next, speaking about sustanaible development, it implies such a change of our production and consumption patterns that the participation of each interest group becames fundamental if a consensus is to be reached. Finally, the World Bank makes an instrumental use of the participation which seeks the sustainability of the implemented projects. To end the text, we explain some criticism about participatory development, and the need to politicize it’s practice.


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How to Cite

Villalba Egiluz, U. (2007). Parte-hartzea garapenean: hainbat diskurtso eta jatorri. Uztaro, (63), 91–102. Retrieved from


