Uruguaiko etorkinak eta aplikagarri zaien errealitate arauemailea: zenbait ohar kritiko


  • Oscar Abalde Cantero


The Spanish tribunals these last years have had to manage with a great amount of job and residence permit petitions from citizens all over Latin America. Most of these lawsuits were based on a series of cooperation and friendship treaties still alive from the XIX century. These treaties sought the mutual acknowledgement between those states of some rights on equal terms of the own citizens. These rights which once had been fully acknowledged to the Spanish emigrants nowadays follow a different reality when the migratory-flows have changed their direction towards Europe. Into this reality, every Latin American immigrant’s situation is not the same and especially the citizens from Uruguay know a very complex situation when neither the tribunals nor the politic branches had any clear answer about the law applicable to them. The aim of this article is to throw some light into this complicate reality still far from been solved.


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How to Cite

Abalde Cantero, O. (2008). Uruguaiko etorkinak eta aplikagarri zaien errealitate arauemailea: zenbait ohar kritiko. Uztaro, (64), 109–125. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4259


