Kale-borroka Euskadiko prentsan. ETAren su-etenaren garaian, aurretik eta ondoren (1997-2000)


  • Ainhoa Andonegi Alonso
  • Iholdi Azurmendi Delgado
  • Maider Osa Etxebarria


Within the political problem in the Basque Country, the different actions that take place as “kale-borroka” (street fighting) are very important indicators of such problem; these attacks are part of the problem the Basque Country has in order to be able to develop its own identity. This research has analysed how different mass media have dealt with these different actions, rather than analysing them in themselves, analysing how the media influence in the process of development of the Basque Country. In order to carry out our investigation, we have taken three different newspapers with different political tendencies: El Mundo, which is published all over Spain and with a right-wing ideology; and two newspapers that are published in the Basque Country: Gara, which shares the ideology of the left-wing nationalists; and El Correo Español, which stands on a Spanish ideology. To analyse these newspapers, the so-called agreement “Lizarra-Garazi” has been taken as a reference. It is well-known by everybody the important role mass media play and the responsibility they have in peace processes. Both, the previous year to the agreement as well as the year after, have been taken into account. Within that period of time we have analysed whether the three previously mentioned newspapers changed the way they dealt with the subject of “kale borroka” (street fighting).


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How to Cite

Andonegi Alonso, A., Azurmendi Delgado, I., & Osa Etxebarria, M. (2002). Kale-borroka Euskadiko prentsan. ETAren su-etenaren garaian, aurretik eta ondoren (1997-2000). Uztaro, (43), 87–103. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4104


