Aditzaren aspektuaz edo gaztelaniazko orainaldi historikoaren baliagarritasuna euskaraz
When we, historians, write a history article or we write about history in Basque, we tend to use the verbs in present tense. It happens to historians whose first or second language is Spanish, because of the form called presente histórico, that is very common in history works in that language. In this article, we try to analize which verbs and tenses have been used and are to be used when writing in Basque about the past.Downloads
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How to Cite
Agirre Garcia, J. (2001). Aditzaren aspektuaz edo gaztelaniazko orainaldi historikoaren baliagarritasuna euskaraz. Uztaro. Giza Eta Gizarte-Zientzien Aldizkaria, (41), 15–26. Retrieved from