Emakumeen aldeko ekintza positiboen analisia


  • Mertxe Larrañaga Sarriegi


The principle of equal opportunities is broadly accepted in most countries and gender discrimination is forbidden by law. Nevertheless, the everyday life shows that women have much less opportunities than men in most fields, including the economic one. This article’s main aim is to show the positive actions that are in favour of women. We will see when and why they are put into gear. We will delay over the reasons adduced by supporters and opponents of these actions. We’ll try also to underline the problems about the equality politics that have been found in there gait. We will sum up the politics that are in favour of women in Basque Country, but it will be necessary to refer to Europe. Finally we’ll endeavour to clarify the succes and the limitations of those actions.


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How to Cite

Larrañaga Sarriegi, M. (2000). Emakumeen aldeko ekintza positiboen analisia. Uztaro, (34), 3–13. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro/article/view/4043




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