Euskararen etorki eta ahaideak: datuen analisia


  • Jose Luis Ormaetxea Lasaga


Professor R. L. Trask is the author of an article about the origins of Basque language. It is well known that many people have tried to find some familiar partner for that the only non indoeuropean language in western Europe, Basque. But Trask is very critical with most of the researches, because they have commonly been made by people that have little knowledge of Basque, and because most of the times they haven´t taken into account what we know about the phonological prehistory of this language. He studies those which, among all proposals made, have deserved a major interest: ancient European, Indo-European, Iberian, Minoan, Etruscan, Pictish, Sumerian, Caucasian languages, Aquitainian, African languages and the Denecaucasian macrofamilia. And the Aquitainian one is the only serious proposal in his opinion, «the only one that has borne any fruit» as he says. There fore he accepts Aquitainian language is a primitive form of the Basque language. But, in his opinion, Basque language nowadays remains as isolated as it has always been.


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How to Cite

Ormaetxea Lasaga, J. L. (1998). Euskararen etorki eta ahaideak: datuen analisia. Uztaro, (26), 81–108. Retrieved from




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