About the Journal

General information

Uztaro, The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences was created in 1990 with the aim of publishing articles on humanities and social sciences. The works focus primarily on the following fields: economics, law, psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, journalism, sociology, socio-linguistics, linguistics, glotodidactics, literature, translation, classical studies, art, music, history and geography.

The journal Uztaro emerged in an attempt to respond to the growing need of Basque universities for material in the Basque language. It contains articles on themes related to the aforementioned fields, the majority of them of current interest and which may serve as the basis for discussion. In this way, the journal offers a solution to the problem of the scarcity of material in Basque for the student community in Basque universities and, at the same time, it guarantees a greater use of knowledge in different areas.

As one of the first scientific journals entirely in Basque, Uztaro has been a pioneer in regulating and organising peer review procedure as well as appearing in and being indexing in bibliographic databases of international reference. Although the size of the Basque linguistic community imposes undeniable limits, we tackle the new challenges with enthusiasm.

Content and structure

The journal consists of three sections: articles, book reviews and references to doctoral theses.

Articles: they are the corpus of the journal and are published after they pass the peer review process. The title, summary and key words of each article are given both in Basque and English.
Book reviews: references to some books, recently published. Critical recommendations are given, mentioning books which may be of interest for the reader.
Review of doctoral theses in Basque: the author of the thesis writes his/her own summary of the thesis.

Evaluation process

The aim of the journal Uztaro is to publish articles on human and social sciences. The works focus primarily on the following fields: anthropology, economics, law, psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, journalism, sociology, sociolinguistics, linguistics, glotodidactics, literature, translation, classical studies, art, music, history and geography. The works emanating from courses, seminars or conferences organised by the UEU will have priority in the journal Uztaro, while “outside” manuscripts will also be admitted provided they are new and have not been published elsewhere.

In Uztaro we are making great efforts to search for quality, paying special attention to the following areas:

  • Quality of content, putting manuscripts through at least two filters.
  • The evaluation of manuscripts is performed by at least two reviewers, of which at least one is always from outside the journal.
  • Proofreading of Basque, bearing in mind the intelligibility and standardisation of technical vocabulary and the screening of all texts by a proof-reader.
  • Creation and application of specific rules for the presentation of bibliography, citations, letter fonts.
  • Determining the accuracy of frequency, publishing annually 500 pages in four issues.

The Writing Committee will decide on the publication in each of the sections, having analysed the papers following the double blind peer review procedure; at least two reviewers will draw up the Review Report (only in Basque) of each paper, and at least one of them will not be connected to the Writing Committee.

The decision on whether or not to publish the original work, as well as its publication with previous amendments, will be communicated no later than three months from the reception of the manuscript.

Instructions on writing for the journal may be consulted in the section Guidelines to Authors in the web page (only in Basque).

The Writing Committee and persons collaborating with the journal adopt in general the Code of Ethics and Good Practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, (COPE) The Guidelines to the Publishing Process, to which publications in the UEU must comply, are based on this code (only in Basque).


Currently, UZTARO Giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is issued quarterly.

Until 1996, three issues were published every year, but since then four issues have been published per year (in March, June, September and December).

Each issue has an average of 125 pages and four types of articles are published: the main section of the journal is composed of scientific articles (with external blind evaluation), followed, depending on the issue, by mentions of books and doctoral theses, as well as tasks related to the academic activity of the UEU.

The subscription is €25 per year and with this you receive paper copies at home (four issues per year, around 500 pages in total) and you benefit from unlimited access to the digital version. SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST

Acknowledgement of rights of use

Uztaro, The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is published in printed hard copy.

The contents of Uztaro the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences are subject to payment during the first year after its publication, both in paper and digital format (www.uztaro.eus). At the end of this period, they may be downloaded, copied and disseminated in any medium, for non-commercial purposes and in accordance with the law, without prior express authorisation from the publisher (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea) or their authors.

In turn, the works published in Uztaro, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences may be reproduced subsequently in other media or journals, provided the author indicates in the first footnote that it is a paper published for the first time in Uztaro, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, quoting the issue, year, pages and DOI - digital object identifier - (if applicable). The use of journal content in any form or format known or developed in the future, as well as any other use, requires the written consent of the copyright holder.

In addition to the contents of the journal Uztaro being saved on paper, their safety will also be guaranteed in digital format, as the UEU keeps a copy on the website aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/uztaro and in the digital free library www.ueu.eus