Pharmaceutical-provision, which medicines will be paid and to what price?


  • Maitane Umerez Igartua Mendaro Ospitaleko Farmazia Zerbitzua
  • Larraitz Leunda Eizmendi Donostia Unibertsitate Ospitalea
  • June Landa Alberdi
  • Miren Ercilla Liceaga Donostia Unibertsitate Ospitalea
  • Mikel Urretavizcaya Anton Onkologikoa Fundazioa
  • Aitziber Lizardi Mutuberria
  • Josune Garcia de Andoin Barandiaran Donostia Unibertsitate Ospitalea


Farmazia-prestazioa, sendagaien finantziazioa, sendagaien prezioa.


The pharmaceutical-provision of the public health system includes the medications that will satisfy the populations` clinical needs and will be paid with public funds. In the southern Basque Country, different organizations will participate in the selection of these medicines: the Spanish Agency for Medicine and Medical Devices in drug authorisation, the General Directorate of the Common Services Portfolio of the National Health System and Pharmacy, in specifying the list of medicines to be funded and the Interministerial Price Commission for medicines in price-fixing. The decisions of these organisations are public and can be consulted online on different websites.




How to Cite

Umerez Igartua, M., Leunda Eizmendi, L., Landa Alberdi, J., Ercilla Liceaga, M., Urretavizcaya Anton, M., Lizardi Mutuberria, A., & Garcia de Andoin Barandiaran, J. (2020). Pharmaceutical-provision, which medicines will be paid and to what price?. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 4(2). Retrieved from



Farmazialarien Txokoa