What can we do when the pharmaceutical-provision of the public health system doesn't include the medications for our patient clinical needs?


  • Asier Mitxelena Osakidetza


off-label use, foreign medicine, compassionate use drug


There may be situations where the clinical needs of a patient can not be covered with a drug included in the pharmaceutical-provision of the public health system. There are different options for obtaining it: off-label use, acquisition of a foreign medicine, compassionate use of research drug or participation in a clinical trial. In these cases, a special request must be made to the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products and/or to the hospital authorities. The reports to be submitted will clearly state the essential need for the drug and it is also mandatory to obtain informed consent from the patient.

Author Biography

Asier Mitxelena, Osakidetza

Barne-Medikuntzako medikua Donostia Ospitale Unibertsitarioan




How to Cite

Mitxelena, A. (2021). What can we do when the pharmaceutical-provision of the public health system doesn’t include the medications for our patient clinical needs?. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 5(1). Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/osagaiz/article/view/358



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