Detection of patients at risk of developing type-2 diabetes in a community pharmacy of Elgeta


  • Ane Azpiazu
  • Ainhoa Oñatibia-Astibia Gipuzkoako Sendagaigileen Elkartea
  • Amaia Garitano
  • Nerea Osinalde
  • Elena Elkoro



Glucose, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, primary prevention, community pharmacy


Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus is the third most prevalent chronic disease in Spain. Due to its prevalence and the importance of its prevention, a program called "Detection of patients at risk of developing type 2 diabetes" was initiated in January 2017 in the community pharmacies of Gipuzkoa. The objective of the present study was to calculate the risk of developing diabetes and to establish the health condition of people living in Elgeta (Gipuzkoa). Moreover, the study was designed to encourage the service of detecting the risk of diabetes in the community pharmacy. The program lasted 6 months and consisted of a prospective research. The Findrisk test was used to calculate the risk of developing diabetes, whereas the arterial pressure of patients was measured to obtain a more general view of the health situation of the population in Elgeta. 58 people in Elgeta participated in the program. 7 participants (12.1%) had low risk of developing diabetes in ten years, 36 participants (62.1%) had medium risk and 15 participants (25.8%) had high risk. Within the participants who were not taking any antihypertensive medication, 15 of them (40.5%) were classified as having a pre-hypertensive or hypertensive condition. Within the participants who were taking antihypertensive medication, 12 participants (57.1%) did not have their hypertension controlled. This study shows that the health condition of people living in Elgeta is overall acceptable. However, some of the health indicators measured (waist perimeter, daily physical activity and hypertension) reflect points which could be improved. Therefore, we can conclude that the health education of people in Elgeta should be improved.


Author Biography

Ainhoa Oñatibia-Astibia, Gipuzkoako Sendagaigileen Elkartea

Gipuzkoako Sendagaigileen Elkartea farmazialaria




How to Cite

Azpiazu, A., Oñatibia-Astibia, A., Garitano, A., Osinalde, N., & Elkoro, E. (2018). Detection of patients at risk of developing type-2 diabetes in a community pharmacy of Elgeta. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 2(1).


