Eritrozitosiaren maneiua pediatrian
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polycythemia vera
disease management

How to Cite

Lizarraga Navarro, L. (2024). Eritrozitosiaren maneiua pediatrian. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 8. Retrieved from


Erythrocytosis in pediatrics is very rare, making it difficult to estimate an exact incidence. In both adults and children, the most common cause is due to a physiological increase in EPO. The second most common cause in pediatrics would be congenital, however in adults it would be acquired, specifically, Polycythemia Vera.

In adults there is an algorithm for the management of erythrocytosis, which is focused on ruling out Polycythemia Vera. However, in pediatrics there are no algorithms. For this reason, we have proposed this research, on the one hand, to assess whether the algorithm used in adults can be extrapolated, and second, to define what the algorithm should be in children.

With this bibliographic review we have concluded that an algorithm for the management of erythrocytosis in pediatrics is useful but must be different from that of adults, because the etiology in both groups is different. Initially, in children, erythrocytosis secondary to another cause must be ruled out, and once all possibilities have been ruled out, congenital causes must be sought. To do this, the patient will be referred to the Oncohematology referral service, with the aim of expanding the study.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Libe Lizarraga Navarro