Ilea zaintzeagatiko sinkopea edo “ile-apaintzaile sindromea”
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hair grooming

How to Cite

Zurutuza Bengoa, A. (2024). Ilea zaintzeagatiko sinkopea edo “ile-apaintzaile sindromea”. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 8. Retrieved from


Syncope is a common clinical entity in Pediatrics. In most cases, it is caused by vasovagal effects and passes on its own. These include Situational Syncope, which occurs when performing specific actions, such as coughing, swallowing, urinating or grooming. Hair grooming syncope is caused by vagal hyperstimulation from any hair manipulation. It occurs mainly in pre-adolescent or adolescent women, but is also described in boys. The mechanism of production is not clear, it seems to be the result of cervical roots innervating the trigeminal or the scalp, which causes hyperstimulation of the vagus and decreased sympathetic tone, resulting in loss of consciousness. A detailed clinical history is necessary for diagnosis, including identification of precipitating events, a complete physical examination, and an electrocardiogram. The basis of the treatment is to inform the patient and the family about the benignity and characteristics of the entity to avoid unnecessary tests and derivations.

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