Judenfrage-tik Israelgo estatuaren sorrerara


  • Asier Arrate Iruskieta Kazetaritzan Graduatua




Arabiar eta Israeldarren arteko liskarren jatorria eta arrazoiak ulertzeko, lan honen helburua da identifikatzea zerk bultzatu zituen sionistak Palestinan ezartzera XX. mende hasieran. Horretarako, lan honetan aztertzen dira juduen historia, bereziki XIX. Mendeko antisemitismoa, horren ondorioz sortutako sionismoa eta kanpoko agenteen eta potentzia kolonialen eraginaren arteko harremana.





In order to understand the roots and reasons of The Arab Israeli conflict, this dissertations aim is to identify the reasons of the Zionist to settle in Palestine at the beginning of the XXth century. To achieve that, it will be analysed the connection between the Jewish history, especially the antisemitism of the XIXth century, the Zionist movement resulted from it and the influence of external agents and colonial powers.


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