Historiaurreko nabigazio metodoak Ozeano Atlantikoan


  • Jonatan Rubio Martinez de Trebiño UPV/EHU
  • Jose Antonio Mujika Alustiza UPV/EHU


Lan honetan, gutxi landu den gai bat berreskuratzeko asmoz, historiaurreko taldeek Ozeano Atlantikoan Mesolitotik Brontze Arora arte gauzatuko zituzten nabigazio metodo ezberdinak aztertu ditugu, eta honekin batera, beharko zituzten teknikak, materialak, garraioak eta ezaguerak. Hala ere, beste lurralde batzuetako zenbait adibide aipatu ditugu (Egiptokoak etab.), Atlantikoko nabigazioa hobeto ulertzen lagundu dezaketelako. Azterketa, ez dugu bakarrik itsasoko edo kanpoko nabigaziorantz bideratu, ibaietako itsasketa ere jorratu da berez daukan garrantziagatik.

Horrela, garraio eta kabotaje sistema desberdinak aztertu ditugu, monoxiletan berebiziko arreta ipiniz. Izan ere, azken hauek izango ziren ugarienak eta zantzu gehien utzi zituztenak. Analisia egin osteko ondorioei begira, historiaurreko talde desberdinen nabigatzeko gaitasuna guztiz egiaztatuta gelditzen da.

Gako-Hitzak: Mesolitoa, Brontze Aroa, Historiaurrea, Nabigazioa, Ozeano Atlantikoa, Monoxilak.



In this project, in order to focus on an issue that has so far received little discussion, we have analysed the different navigation systems used by prehistoric population by the Atlantic Ocean from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age. In addition to this, their techniques, materials, transports and knowledge have been studied. However, a few examples from other lands (Egypt, etc.) have also been added, which could be helpful in the understanding of the Atlantic navigation. Our study has not only been focused on the maritime navigation, but we have also worked on river navigation due to its own importance.

Thus, different transport and cabotage systems have been analysed, with a special focus on logboats. In fact, these were the most abundant boats and the ones that left more vestiges.

When it comes to analysing the conclusion, the navigation ability of the different prehistoric groups is evidenced.


Key Words: Mesolithic, Bronze Age, Prehistory, Navigation, Atlantic Ocean, Logboat.

Author Biographies

Jonatan Rubio Martinez de Trebiño, UPV/EHU

Historian Graduatu

Jose Antonio Mujika Alustiza, UPV/EHU

Doktorea eta irakaslea


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