Ondo trebatutako gurasoak, ondo zaindutako haurrak – Jaioberrien gurasoekin egiteko taldeko osasun-hezkuntza programa baten disei-nua
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group health education
primary care

How to Cite

Mayoz Elicegui, A. (2024). Ondo trebatutako gurasoak, ondo zaindutako haurrak – Jaioberrien gurasoekin egiteko taldeko osasun-hezkuntza programa baten disei-nua. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 8. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/osagaiz/article/view/5132


Introduction. The period of paternity and parenting of the child is considered stressful due to all the changes that occur. Especially the first six months of the newborn's life, they are said to be a period of great vulnerability, due to all the doubts and fears that parents usually have during this period. Currently, parents and caregivers have access to a large amount of information, but sometimes it is not exhaustive, which can often lead to misunderstanding and misuse of information. Therefore, it is important to provide parents with adequate knowledge and training in this period, for which health education and health promotion are essential.

Normally, health prevention and promotion activities are usually performed in individual consultations within the child health program, but in many cases it is difficult to perform all activities properly due to pressure in daily care. Therefore, group health education can be considered as an activity that can help in pediatric consultation, using individual and collective education as a complementary process.

Objectives. Through a group health education program, it aims to improve the knowledge of primary caregivers of newborns to make them feel safe and prepared to provide the newborn with the basic care they need during the first six months of their life.

Materials and methods. A quasi-experimental research will be conducted to analyze the situation before and after the intervention.

Design of a group health education program carried out during the first 6 months of the newborn with their parents or primary caregivers. The program will consist of 5 conferences or workshops, each with a Likert type questionnaire that will be completed before and after the conference by the parents or caregivers participating in the study.

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