Zergatik sustatu behar da pediatriako egoiliarren irakaskuntza Lehen Mailako Arretan?
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Primary Care

How to Cite

Gorrotxategi Gorrotxategi, P., Zabaleta Rueda, A., & Alkezar Etxeberria, I. (2024). Zergatik sustatu behar da pediatriako egoiliarren irakaskuntza Lehen Mailako Arretan?. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 8. Retrieved from https://aldizkariak.ueu.eus/index.php/osagaiz/article/view/5131


Introduction. Pediatric residents’ training is managed by university hospitals. The percentage of teaching that is carried out in primary care is 6.25 %. The job offers are greater in primary care (PC) pediatrics. Should the current training system in pediatrics be changed?

ethodology. Analysis of the residents’ pediatric training system and the proposed changes. Analysis of existing jobs in primary care pediatrics and hospital pediatrics and the needs of professionals in both work areas.

Results. Residents’ training system includes a 3-month rotation in primary care, which represents 6.25 % of the training. The Strategic Framework of Primary and Community Care proposes to the National Commission of the specialty the inclusion in the official training program of a mandatory rotation in PC of 6 months and the possibility of extending it up to twelve months. This way, time spent in PC would be between 12.5 % and 25% of the training time.

According to the number of existing specialists and retirement ages, the need for professionals is greater in primary care: 63 % in PC and 36 % in hospital pediatrics.

Conclusions. It is urgent to make the changes established in the Primary Care Strategic Framework to promote rotation through primary care. 63 % of residents should have training oriented to primary care with a minimum rotation of one year in that field. Therefore, residents’ teaching in primary care must be promoted.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Gorrotxategi Gorrotxategi, Ainhoa Zabaleta Rueda, Irati Alkezar Etxeberria