The basic professional competencies of physicians


  • Maialen Berridi Agirre Osakidetza


Professional competence, competence, clinical communication, humanism, bioethics, patient-centered clinical method


The book The basic professional competencies of physicians has been released. It is a tool that can be helpful for any health professional who will be placed in front of a patient. It explains the necessary skills and abilities to care for the person as a whole, to communicate with them and to work in the field of bioethics.

The book is the result of an opportunity offered by the Agote prize organized by Osasungoa Euskalduntzeko Erakundea (OEE) and has been published with the support of the Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU).

It is a work that seeks to fill a void, to satisfy the need for more academic health books written in Basque, and to reflect on the basic professional competencies that a physician must acquire.

It is a book aimed at medical and nursing undergraduate and graduate students and tutors, although it seeks to be useful for all professionals.

In fact, it is very important for future doctors to know that there are more aspects behind the disease, namely that social inequality has to do with health, and that our resources are not only medicinal, but that also context, family, sanitary network, and health prevention and promotional policies count.

In addition to the disease, several steps are offered in the acquisition of competencies to care for the patient, divided into three chapters: patient-centered clinical method, clinical communication and bioethics.

Author Biography

Maialen Berridi Agirre, Osakidetza

Familia eta Komunitate Medikua

Gipuzkoako Familia eta Komunitate Arretako irakaskuntzako unitate multiprofesionaleko tekniakaria


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How to Cite

Berridi Agirre, M. (2021). The basic professional competencies of physicians. Osagaiz: Osasun-Zientzien Aldizkaria, 5(2). Retrieved from



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